# Hint: If you do not do this, you will receive “ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error” when you try to use the UTL_MAIL package. # Next, add the address & port of the e-mail server (smtp server). sqlplus /nologĬonnect / as execute on utl_mail to public You need to actually install the UTL_MAIL package. # They are not default installed in the database (11g). # In order to send mails in Oracle 11g you will need to take care of several steps.
# So that is my first clue Below are the steps you will need to do in the database. Still to me this post offers a nice overview. There is a lot of good notes about that already on the web which i used to get the picture and to get things done. I have been asked to do the steps to send mail from inside an Oracle 11G.